Requestly for Selenium

Add Network Interception & Modification powers to Selenium without code. Set up Redirects, Modify Headers, Insert Custom Scripts, Add Throttles and much more to Selenium using Requestly.

Trusted by developers at


Application and use cases

These are some of the main features that you will find yourself using.

Modify API Response

Develop frontend without ready a backend or Modify existing API responses on production environment

Redirect API and script requests

Redirect APIs/Scripts from one environment to another (e.g. Prod to Staging)

Insert Custom Scripts

Inject custom scripts/styles on external webpages for testing/demo purposes.

Takes less than a minute

Use Boilerplate Code

Turn yourself into a Testing Ninja by using our short and concise Selenium + Requestly boilerplate code.User our web interface or desktop app to create rules(no-coding required). Put in your shared list url and you’re good to go. ⚡

// npm install selenium-webdriver @requestly/selenium
require("chromedriver"); // replace this with your browser driver
const { Builder } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
const {
importRequestlyShared List,
} = require("@requestly/selenium");
const sharedListUrl = "YOUR SHARED LIST URL";
async function runSeleniumWithRequestly() {
const options = new chrome. Options().addExtensions(
getRequestlyExtension("chrome") // This installs requestly chrome extension in your testing instance
const driver = new Builder()
.forBrowser("chrome") // replace this with your browser
await importRequestlyShared List(driver, shared ListUrl); // Here we import the shared list created from our app
driver.get(""); // replace this with your test destination
runSelenium WithRequestly();

For the developers, by the developers ❤️

From Debug to Deploy: Developers Trust Requestly